We have all dealt with a loss or heartbreak of some kind in our lives. Tragedies can strike out of nowhere, and when they do they hit hard. Some people have felt pain that is so extremely potent and horrific that it may seem that they are left alone, drowning in a sea with no hope in sight. One of the beautiful things about belonging to a church and Christian community is the familial care that is unlike any other. It not only gives us an opportunity to receive care, but also to come alongside others and be there when they need us most, which is especially valuable when they have no other family members to whom they can turn.
As Christians we are called in Romans 12:15 to rejoice with those who rejoice, and we are also called to weep with those who weep. This verse, in fact, is located in a section of the Bible that is often labeled “The Marks of a True Christian.” So what can we do to fulfill this command? What are ways that we can be a comfort to others? What are things we can do to find peace and comfort?